Mini Lemon Oreo Cheesecake
Monday, 23 December 2019
Hi friends! Ok – so have you TRIED the new Lemon Oreos? I have to be honest, I haven’t been the hugest fan of all the new flavors out there. I have dabbled in CANDY DIPPED GOLDEN OREOS and ok, those were really good. And yes, the Birthday Cake Oreos are also pretty tasty, but nothing quite beat that chocolate original. Maybe until now. The Lemon Oreos are divine. DIVINE. So of course you have to be a FAN OF ALL THINGS LEMON, but I am so that works out just fine for me. And after eating a few in my favorite fashion (with a glass of milk), I had an AHA moment – Lemon Oreo Cheesecake! Yes, perfect. And that’s just what I’ve made, in a mini cupcake style.