Green Onion Party Cheeseball

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had my friend Lisa’s cheese ball…a lot.  Everyone who tries it says “who made the cheese ball?” She loves the compliments, who doesn’t when it comes to something you’ve made. For the 10th time I asked her what the recipe was and this time I remembered it and now I’m sharing the love with all of you. The great thing about this recipe is it takes all of 5 minutes to assemble and then chill time, which can be a day or two ahead of time. The garlic and onion flavor is intense and the added cheddar gives it a nice flavor too, but you may have some serious garlic breath after you eat this so make sure you share it with your loved ones

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had my friend Lisa’s cheese ball…a lot.  Everyone who tries it says “who made the cheese ball?” She loves the compliments, who doesn’t when it comes to something you’ve made. For the 10th time I asked her what the recipe was and this time I remembered it and now I’m sharing the love with all of you. The great thing about this recipe is it takes all of 5 minutes to assemble and then chill time, which can be a day or two ahead of time. The garlic and onion flavor is intense and the added cheddar gives it a nice flavor too, but you may have some serious garlic breath after you eat this so make sure you share it with your loved ones

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