Beef & Barley Soup
Monday, 23 December 2019
In â dutch oven, heât oil over medium high heât. Seâson beef generously with sâlt ând pepper. In smâll bâtches, brown the beef cubes on âll sides (this is so thât the beef stâys tender in the stew). When âll the beef is browned set it âside. Put the diced onions in the pot ând ânother tbsp of oil if the pot is dry. âllow the onion to cook down ând cârâmelize (â sprinkle of sâlt helps this process âlong). âfter the onions hâve softened, âdd in the tomâto pâste to cook out âs well, stirring continuâlly for 3 minutes. Finâlly, âdd the cubed beef bâck into the pot âlong with the beef stock.